HER Nails & offers you the ultimate in pampering and boosting your natural beauty with our whole-hearted creative & professional staff.
Our salon takes pride in providing our valued customers all good services and top-hight quality products as well ass materials. All of our services are at decent prices, so there is no hesitation when you use one or even more services at our salon.
We are dedicate to providing the best experience for each guest throught our excep-tional service and technical excellence.
Our privilege is to provice you with a comfortable and friendly place where you can truly relax, rejuvenate, and be pampered from tip to toe.
We understand that safety and a sanitized setting are keys to delivering unforgettable and enjoyable experience. We use disposable liners for our perdicure chairs, brand new nail filé, and buffers for every clinent and discard them after each treatment.
Each service kit will be individually sterilized for you visit.
Our staff will follow the service procedures that have been proven effective for your safety so that you can one hundred percent lavish yourself in comfort.